Journey with NOEL as 'Headed North' Illuminates the Heart's Complex Compass.


We often find solace in the resonance of chords and cadences, and within that space, NOEL's "Headed North" provides a haven for the wandering heart. Basking in the melancholic luminescence of Alt Pop, this sonic gem unfurls a tale of reluctant goodbyes, fear of commitment, and the age-old battle of heart versus head. Every note seems to echo the subtle tremors of NOEL's soul, his voice a testament to raw, unfiltered emotion. The poignant narratives, enriched by a collaborative magic with Joel Gunnarsson and Freddy Alexander, draw listeners into a vortex of vulnerability, where it's all too easy to see oneself in NOEL’s narrative. It's a mesmerizing testament to how NOEL translates complexities of human connection into lyrics and harmonies; a paradox of wanting to dive deep, yet fearing the abyss of potential heartbreak. Much like witnessing the shimmering mirage of the Northern Lights, "Headed North" leaves an indelible mark, impossible to brush away. With one listen, it’s evident: this isn’t just another track; it's an emotion, a state of mind, a journey one wishes to embark upon time and time again. Stream below